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#26 04-09-2013 09:27:50

Eva In Love
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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

Le mode tribulation est juste du n'importe quoi xD
C'est le genre de défis que tu valdies qu'en apssant ta vie dans la sab / ou en suivant les vidéos qu'un mec qui aura passé sa vie dedans. Juste pour arriver au premier waypoint du monde 1 j'ai du mettre 25 min  lol

Sinon le monde 2 est vraiment sympa, bien plus développé et compliqué que le monde 1 smile


Eva Luvs Luw [wAve]

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#27 04-09-2013 10:11:04

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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

Informations complémentaires
Trailer officiel de la Super Adventure Box: Back to School - Sept 3

Le soundtrack officiel de la Super Adventure Box : World 2
=> … dventure-1

GW2 Miniature Super Trio set 2
Coût : 500 gemme les 3
Mini Super Banana

Mini Super Racoon

Mini Super Yeti

Mini Super Assassin
A récupérer en plaçant les 3 mini-pets ci-dessus + 1 Continue Coin dans la Forge Mystique

Mini Moto
A récupérer contre 20 baubles

Ensuite, après avoir découvert les skins "classiques" des armes de la SAB, voici à quoi ressemble l'Espadon du mode tribulation

Guides de la SAB Monde 1 en mode Tribulation
Et oui, le mode tribulation n'aura par tenu bien longtemps face aux joueurs les plus acharnés (!)
Cliquez sur le liens suivants pour découvrir comment faire...
Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3

King Toad's Shield (Green Tribulation Mode Skin)

Hub Secrets : Jump pads, Cannons, Flags

Dans la catégorie humour...

Dernière modification par Neph (04-09-2013 13:58:06)

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#28 04-09-2013 11:38:10

Eva In Love
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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

la SAB va rester en palce ou dans 2 semaines on ne l'aura à nouveau plus ?


Eva Luvs Luw [wAve]

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#29 04-09-2013 11:40:55

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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

Comme indiqué préalablement ICI la SAB sera disponible pendant tout le mois de Septembre.

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#30 04-09-2013 12:19:52

Ecuyer (8)
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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

punaise il va être long ce mois .. entre l'énervement du aux bugs de l'event scrarlet, l'usine à gaz qu'ils nous ont pondu avec le craft 500 et les roses,  l'activité unique SAB qui se réduit à du jump, et le mensuel resetté ... je passe mon tour ...le mois de septembre risque bien de se réduire à mon journalier et le reste de mon temps sur Aion 4.0 .... j'suis blasée là ....


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#31 04-09-2013 12:51:43

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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

Tu as oublié le patch Tequalt Rising pour le 17 Septembre.

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#32 04-09-2013 13:40:46

Ecuyer (8)
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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

ah oui j'ai hâte de voir ce que ça, faut que je pense à amener mon surf smile


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#33 06-09-2013 10:29:44

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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

Informations complémentaires
Sur le forum officiel (Is it too hard ?), suite aux retours d'expérience des joueurs dans la SAB (modes normal et tribulation), Josh Foreman admet, d'une certaine manière, que la difficulté générale est trop élevée. Il nous informe donc que des correctifs sont prévus.

I’ve been developing games since ‘96. I’ve been around the block long enough to know that the forums are not the best place to get accurate readings of most player’s perceptions. The reason I’m adjusting the difficulty is 1. So much of it is from mechanics that surprised us with how poorly they perform out in the field. and 2. I never really felt good about how hard it was but didn’t get the confirmation of it until this thread. We’ve found ways to fix the major difficulty spikes in Infantile and Normal Modes, and we’ll do some more refining and maybe a systemic change (Making bottomless pits and dart traps reset you at the last waypoint with one heart removed.) by the time World 3 comes out.

That’s not how things work here. I don’t tell the commerce team how to do their job and they don’t tell me how to do my job. My goal is to make a really fun and compelling experience for players. Insofar as W2 is not fun right now because of the crazy difficulty, that’s on me because I made some poor judgement calls. I lost the forest for the mechanic-trees. I liked this tree and this tree and this tree and this tree… and jammed them all in without taking the big picture in often enough, especially near the end when everything comes together and starts interacting in unpredictable ways. Last time we were just excited to get 8-bit UI, a bounce mushroom and turtles you could knock over for platforms. Now we have projectile enemies, ice, moving platforms, water spout platforms, spin flowers, push blocks, several cooperative puzzles, etc. Now I know next time to give the elements time to breathe, and go hands-off earlier, and if a last minute fix is required to make a new mechanic work (what happened to the water spouts that ended up making them terribad) it should be cut and saved for next time. These are the reasons World 2 is too hard. If the reason was to sell coins I would not be here and you would not see a huge suite of fixes we put together over the last couple of days come out tomorrow.

As to the Infinite Continue Coin I’ll repeat what I said several pages back. I think it’s a great item because it expands the number of people who can experience SAB. There’s probably a good-sized portion of players who don’t want to play it like a real stand-alone old-school game where you have to really learn the levels, find the secrets, earn the resources to get the power-ups etc. In that way it’s like a Game Genie. It also gives people who are really into SAB a chance to vote with their money and support future development.

We decided to do Tribulation Mode in the platform hell style back before we launched the first SAB. Before the idea of an ICC was ever thought up. It matches our personality and humor. We knew there would be people who were really really good at SAB and would wrack up huge numbers of extra lives, and thought Trib Mode would be a great way to spend them.

As to a ‘real’ World 2, that will have to wait for next release when we have time to make the major renovations necessary to put it in the proper context between Worlds 1 and 3. In the mean time, check out the changes we made and see if it’s more fun for you. smile

Comprenons le bien, Foreman nous dit que si l'on cherche de la difficulté le mode tribulation est fait pour ça ; par contre, le design actuel du Monde 2 (normal et infantile)  est trop éloigné de celui du Monde 1 que nous avons connu au mois d'avril dernier.

A priori, et nous le découvrirons potentiellement demain dans un patch, le correctifs suivants devraient avoir lieu :
* Correctif des trombes d'eau qui occasionnent des knockback trop important
* pièges plus visible et moins nombreux
* amélioration de la visibilité des nuages à la fin du monde 2-3
* ajouts de safe-spot lors de la traversé de la rivière (avec les rondins)
* de nouveaux chekpoints (non spécifiés)
* ...

Dernière modification par Neph (06-09-2013 10:30:05)

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#34 12-09-2013 17:09:20

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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

Information complémentaire
Je vous invite à lire (en anglais) le dernier message en date de Josh Formeman sur son blog.
L'on y apprend beaucoup de choses sur les coulisses du lancement du dernier patch.

Spoiler :     

Ainsi, par ce texte, Foreman nous explique les étapes du lancement de la SAB 2.0 et fait lui-même un premier bilan, plutôt mitigé...
Depuis l'engouement engendré par la version n°1 et les grandes attentes engendrées, en passant par la gestion tendue des bugs de dernières minutes d'avant lancement, l'interprétation des denriers retours d'expérience de la communauté (plutôt négatifs et chiffres, je cite "assez lamentable" [en terme de fréquentation de la SAB 2), et le pourquoi de sa mise en retrait du forum officiel pour "prise de parole pouvant mettre en péril l'entreprise".

Dernière modification par Neph (12-09-2013 17:14:58)

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#35 12-09-2013 17:39:58

Eva In Love
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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

d'un autre côté les gens farmaient la SAB 1 .. et vu que ça sert à rien de farm le monde 2 ..


Eva Luvs Luw [wAve]

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#36 12-09-2013 17:45:32

Seiken Gwen
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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

En effet, maintenant qu'on ne peut plus réellement farmer les mondes 1-1 et 1-2 sur différents perso, certains, comme moi, se sont tournés vers le farm du monde 1-1 en tribulation.

Les babioles (environ 300) peuvent être récupérés plusieurs fois par jours, et faire ce niveau prend entre 6 et 12 minutes pour les meilleurs, un peu (voire beaucoup plus) pour les autres. C'est vraiment un moyen très rapide pour se payer toutes les améliorations. (ou mettre encore une fois des babioles de côté pour le retour du SAB avec le monde 3, des fois que cela soit à nouveau nerfé)

Dernière modification par Seiken Gwen (12-09-2013 17:45:47)

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#37 12-09-2013 17:54:02

Eva In Love
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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

autant avant ça valait le coup de farm vu ce qu'on pouvait avoir avec les bulles de babioles .. autant maintenant ça sert plus à rien tongue


Eva Luvs Luw [wAve]

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#38 12-09-2013 18:01:20

Patte de Cerf
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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

Rien d'étonnant quand on voit la longueur des zones du monde 2. Le fait que, comme dit plus haut, les gens farm le monde 1 (en normal ou tribulation). Même si leur mode tribulation est très sympa finir le monde 1 est très rapide au bout de 3-4 fois. Le monde 2 est lui juste long en tribulation. A savoir que pour l'instant je n'ai vu personne avec les armes bleus de la SAB...


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#39 16-09-2013 08:24:20

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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

Information complémentaire
Byron Miller, occupant le poste de "Principle QA: SAB Team", et plus connu sous le speudo de Talara sur certains forums (Ci-dessous aux côtés de Josh Foreman), a précisé la semaine dernière qu'ils [les devs] "ne renoncerait certainement pas à un autre mode tribulation pour la prochaine SAB".

Talara a écrit :

I sincerely doubt we will forgo another round of hardmode if SAB comes back in the future,[...]

[Note : la photo provient de chez ArenaNet et les "gribouillages" sont d'eux]

Toutefois, Talara (et par extension donc les membres de l'équipe SAB) est bien conscient que l'actuel mode tribulation pose certains problèmes...
et se dit à l'écoute des retours des joueurs.
[NDR : Rappelons que, dans sa globalité, l'actuelle SAB v2 ne rencontre pas le succès attendu selon les propos de Josh Foreman lui-même]

Talara a écrit :

I want to hear specifically what makes it bullshit so we can fix those things but still keep it IWBTG style.

A ce propos donc, les joueurs ayant terminé le plus rapidement le mode tribulation émettent des critiques négatives sur ce mode de jeu.
Exemple :

Now that I've done tribulation in its entirety, I can safely say it's bullshit the entire way, even if you blurt out the excuse that "oh it's meant to be unfair, like I Wanna Be the Guy!" Well the difference is that IWBTG has good platformer controls (GW2's platforming mechanic are clunky at best), and you don't have camera problems in IWBTG.

I'm sincerely hoping the next time they do challenging content, it'll be Liadri type of challenge, not this pathetic excuse, this is just a copout excuse because the guy who made this difficulty mode (as great a person I'm sure he is) doesn't know how to make a real challenge, so he goes the unfair route.

Alright.. Wall of text incoming.

The clunkiness wouldn't be nearly as obvious if the traps would be seen at all time, or, like the clouds, wouldn't instantly kill you, then you could back off if your reaction time is good enough.
IWBTG can allow itself to have so many traps because the game was created around very strict controls.

In GW2? If you stay on an object close to the ground, suddenly your character's leg start going into the ground, and your height is reduced (I know, the hitbox hasn't moved), throwing you completely off in a jump, you have to get used to a stupid visual glitch. This would be fixed with a first-person camera, because your model being halfway into the ground wouldn't be a problem, since you wouldn't see it.

If you have to do a jump-&-turn midair (which you do, a lot) the camera will most likely fuck you up, so again you have to put up with a faulty execution and gauge how to land without really seeing where to go, a simple first-person camera would, again, fix this.

IWBTG can allow itself to have incredibly narrow and pixel-perfect jumps because there's no notion of lag there, in GW2, the lag is handled in such a way that, say if you're on a rock that's barely off the spikes and you have to jump forward, the rubberbanding will have your character simply walking into the spike and die, even if you barely grazed the forward key.

The spikes, and any other invisible instant deaths are just tedious, this gag of "aha spike trap you're dead" stops being funny past world 1 zone 2, the flowers are just as stupid, there's no pattern nor any indication that it'll blow you up, you just kinda die because it happened to be here, the only funny instant kill that you can't really see coming are the direction gloves, and the reason these are funny is because they're far and few in between. Of all the zones where spikes randomly kill you in an unfair way, by far the most unfair one has to be world 2 zone 2 when you're using jump pads to get from poles to poles, you have no other choice than to minesweep with your body until you find the right way, tedious, boring, not fun, certainly not challenging, this could be made interesting if the spiketraps had an animation where they slightly jute off the ground for a second before killing you, you have a chance to back off if you're fast enough.

And if spikes are to be used as a wall that says "find another way" then don't make them invisible, just place them here on the ground like so many other spikes we can see, dieing to an invisible spiketrap while finding the way isn't fun, challenging or funny, it's tedious, and it certainly doesn't feel like you fucked up, it feels like a waste of time.

The explosive barrels are better than the invisible spike traps, but the ones that are placed in such tight spots that you have no way of dealing with them other than to throw yourself into it, die, and come back stupid as all hell, a good example is world 2 zone 2, when you have to keep jumping from poles to poles, in the same spot as all those spikes I mentioned.

There's also a fair amount of random bugs not connected to this gamemode, but the game in general, one of the bug I personally experience fairly often is when you stay still, press forward to move but your character (on your end) only starts his running animation, but doesn't move, for everyone else including the server, though, you are indeed moving forward, if you stop pressing your forward key you won't see a difference on your end, everyone else will see you teleporting back though, the problem is when you fall into spikes or off a cliff, on your screen you're going to die for.. Standing still, to everyone else, you stepped too far forward.


Basically, if whoever came up with this wants to make it difficult, don't make it like IWTBG type of difficulty.

There's a few great moments where you are indeed required to do legit difficult tasks, like world 2 zone 3 when you reach the cave with the wind statues, bananas, blocking-clouds and spikes (VISIBLE spikes) while sliding, you have to time your movement, be fast but precise, you WILL run into the block-cloud the first time, BUT the cloud doesn't instantly kills you, it blocks and give you a moment to back off before damaging you, when I died in this room, I knew it was me who messed up, it wasn't a random invisible spike that suddenly one shot me.

The ice bridge with the wind-statues and the blocking-clouds placed in such way you have to jump on one cloud to keep going is also a good moment, again, you have a moment to react, you'll most likely die because you're not expecting it, but you can do it.

Either set a CLEAR challenge in front of the player and have them do it without any bullshit invisible instant death, or have invisible traps but don't make them instantly trigger and kill you on the spot, rather, have them briefly show itself to the player once triggered, to give at least a chance at survival.


Bottom line, a real, challenging difficulty is something you can theorically do in one try, but requires an incredible reaction time and a lot of skill to pull off, even if reasonably impossible, this means that no one really can do it in one shot, but no one is robbed from it, other than their own skill or lack of training.

In this, no one can theorically do it in one shot, even if they have the fastest reaction time, hand-to-eye coordination of all time, simply because there is no pattern, you are bound to die and tediously walk back, that, then, is not a real challenge, it's fake difficulty, it's basically playing minesweeper without the numbers that help you each time you uncover a safe square.

En résumé, pour ces joueurs la difficulté actuelle du mode tribulaiton est totalement fausée (puiqu'il ne s'agit que de trouver les zones à risquess, mourrir, et recommencer... la rapidité de réaciton n'étant que peu nécessaire), la hitbox du personnage tout comme la caméra ou encore les lags de connexion ne conviennent pas à un type de jeu " IWTBG" (jeu dans lequel les sauts sont parfaits au pixel près), etc etc.

Autant de critiques constructives qui devraient être prise en considération

Talara a écrit :

Thank you very much for this feed back. I've forwarded to to Josh and Lisa so we can take it into consideration for the next iteration of Hard Mode. This is the kind of valuable feedback we need to truly improve and make SAB better.

I do have some points in your feedback that I'd like to address, but I can't get to it until later; tomorrow most likely.

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#40 18-09-2013 06:43:21

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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

Information complémentaire
Le patch "Tequalt" du 17 Septembre ne contenait aucun détail concernant la SAB...

Toutefois, il est venu corriger certains bugs et rajouter plusieurs modifications.

World 2-2
    Certain trampolines now push you back when you walk on them without jumping.
    The jump onto the top floor of the push-block/dart pagoda (immediately after the miniboss pagoda) has been made easier. The scaffolding now has larger platforms on top.
    You are now teleported to a predetermined nearby location after ringing a bell in order to prevent getting stuck inside a log.
    The gong pagoda skip has been fixed.
    The spiked checkpoint near the end no longer kills you on respawn.
    The last infantile checkpoint cloud on tribulation mode has been fixed and now works properly.

Wolrd 2-2 Tribulation
    The two bugged check points have been fixed. You should no longer die to the spikes on respawn & the cloud checkpoint actually works again.
    Certain dart traps have had a green light added on them so that they're easier to notice (IMAGE)
    Bad news: the gong tower skip no longer works
    Good news: you can still die/re-spawn and wait at the bottom

World 2-3
    World 2 Zone 3 Master of Baubles Achievement has been fixed.
    Additional pointer finger added to the long vertical jumping puzzle climb at the first peak.
    It is no longer possible to land on the top pillar when entering from the top of the long vertical secret room in the first peak.

    Frequent Sprinter achievement has been re-added.

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#41 01-10-2013 08:47:35

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Re : [Annonce] Super Adventure Box : La rentrée

Certains joueurs se sont visiblement fixés plus de challenge que d'autres durant ce mois de Septembre 2013.

HappyHoratio a écrit :

With only a couple days left before it leaves, I finally finished my collection of all the SAB skins!
...Well except for the blue backpack skin because it's impossible to get now. sigh

La totalité des items de la SAB donc, exception du backpack bleu, accessible uniquement en avril dernier.

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