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#1 26-11-2013 09:52:55

Rédacteur en Chef
Serveur : Augury Rock
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[Annonce] Remise à zéro des classements PvP


Il y a quelques heures, Josh Davis nous rappelait sur le forum officiel que les classements sPvP étaient remis à zéro avec le déploiement de la mise à jour Fracture (donc aujourd'hui).
En outre, la semaine prochaine de plus ample détails seront dévoilés à propos des classements, des récompenses et des nouveautés...

Josh Davis a écrit :

Hello fellow PvPers,

This is a friendly reminder that we’ll be resetting the leaderboard for Solo Arena and Team Arena with tomorrow’s updates.

We decided to reset the leaderboards because of the matchmaking changes we put in on November 12th. Those changes, along with the leaderboard reset, should allow for a much more competitive environment going forward. Because the matches will be more competitive, players should also be placed in their correct rating much more accurately. I’d like to make it very clear that this reset does not mark the end of an official ‘season’, and as such, we will not be rewarding players for leaderboard placement. I know that this may be a tough pill to swallow for our more hardcore players, but we hope you understand our reasoning behind this.

That said, we’re not opposed to giving players rewards based on ladder placement in the future. Next week we’ll be able to give more details on our plans for the leaderboards, rewards, and beyond.

Source : … ost3260022

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#2 27-11-2013 09:16:12

Rédacteur en Chef
Serveur : Augury Rock
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Re : [Annonce] Remise à zéro des classements PvP

Informations complémentaires
Josh Davis reformule ses propos sur le forum officiel : tous les détails concernant les nouveautés sPvP seront dévoilées au mois de Décembre.

Josh Davis a écrit :

I’ve mentioned multiple times on these forums that we’ll be releasing information on just about everything we’re doing in early December.
It’s not December yet.

Parallèlement, Josh Davis et Justin ODell précisent que les propositions issues du débat collaboratif ont bien été prise en compte et, s'engagent à publier successivement plusieurs messages officiels et livestreams concernant les évolutions/nouveautés que seront appliquées au sPvP.

Josh Davis a écrit :

Also, as an aside, we really are taking the collaborative development stuff to heart. After we release our next PvP blog post we’re going to follow-up immediately with a preview of what we have going in before the end of the year. After that we’re going to run streams on a consistent basis to keep you guys informed of progress and preview stuff we have in development.

Think SotG, but much more official.

Justin ODell a écrit :

So looking forward to this.

I’m also planning on doing a blog post on the matchmaking changes coming next year and we’ll be following that up with a discussion thread on the topic so we can respond feedback on the proposed changes. This is one of those topics that I believe should be as transparent as possible to ensure players understand and trust the way it works.

Dernière modification par Neph (27-11-2013 09:18:02)

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#3 28-11-2013 11:15:53

Rédacteur en Chef
Serveur : Augury Rock
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Re : [Annonce] Remise à zéro des classements PvP

Information complémentaire
Il n'y pas une journée où les joueurs sPvP ne s'expriment à propos des changements qu'ils voudraient voir apparaitre en jeu...
Et, de ce fait, en ce moment, il n'y a pas une journée où Josh "Grouch" Davis ne répète pas ses propos...

Donc, tenons le pour dit, ArenaNet est presque prêt à "livrer une tonne d'informations sur le PvP".
Lundi prochain un billet résumera la feuille de route de tout ce qui sera livré en fin d'année 2013 et début 2014.

Ceci devrait répondre à beaucoup des préoccupations et questions soulevées.

Josh Davis a écrit :

Hey Sensotix,

Thanks for the write-up.

I’ve been seeing a lot of threads like this on the forums lately, often accompanied with an itemized list of suggestions or concerns. I think the reason we’re seeing them pop up so often is because people aren’t exactly sure what direction we’re heading in terms of PvP – and that’s understandable.

This thread is slightly ill-timed. I say that because, yet again, I have to say that we’re almost ready to release a ton of information on PvP, but we’re not quite there yet. Next Monday (after the long holiday weekend) we’ll be releasing a blog post that will road-map a great deal of things our team will be working on implementing through the end of this year and going into next year. This should address a lot of the concerns you’ve raised and answer many of your questions. Starting next week we’ll be able to engage in discussion regarding future changes like we’d like to.

After the blog post we’re going to take strides to keep you guys in the loop as much as possible. This is a big priority for our team. As I’ve mentioned in previous threads, we’re going to start running a bi-weekly livestream that will give updates on PvP, tournaments, balance updates/previews, and just about anything else PvP related. That should help fill the gaps. Plus, you guys will get to see my baby blues again.

As for the balance changes – I’m not a part of that team so I can’t speak on their behalf. I hop into meetings from time to time to give feedback on changes or to present feedback from the forums, but that’s about the extent of it. I will, however, pass the thread along to them in case they haven’t seen it already. (Hint: They probably have.)

Personally, I think the changes coming on December 10th will have a significant impact on our current meta. The full implications? I don’t think anyone can predict that quite yet. There may even be a few surprises in there…

Next year is going to be a great year and I’m happy that we have so many devoted and dedicated players that are coming along for the ride with us. For those of you that have drifted away from the game for one reason or another – I honestly hope we’ll see you in-game again.


Edit: Happy Thanksgiving everyone! smile

Source : … ost3275797

Dernière modification par Neph (28-11-2013 11:16:47)

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